You may qualify for an education credit if you, your spouse, or your dependent is the student, and the student is enrolled at an eligible educational institution. Go to this section in Credit Karma...
As a rideshare driver, you are typically considered an independent contractor. You may be able to claim a number of ordinary and necessary work-related expenses since the IRS considers you self-emp...
Unless you’re filing a joint return with your spouse, only the custodial parent can normally claim the qualifying child as their dependent. The custodial parent is the parent who lived with the ch...
If you notice that your return amount is drastically different than what you expected, you should check to make sure you entered your W-2 information correctly. Go to this section in Credit Karma T...
Not yet. We are only able to verify U.S. phone numbers right now.
Use Identity Monitoring on Credit Karma to check if you’ve been involved in a breach. We share all of the information on the data breaches that we have, but sometimes certain info isn't available ...
Browsing offers on Credit Karma does not affect your scores, but applying for a financial product (such as a loan or credit card) can. If you see an offer you like and decide to apply, you submit y...
Scores can be updated on Credit Karma as often as once a week, so it’s easy to track your progress. But what if you’re not seeing the progress you’re expecting? Your lenders may not have reported c...
You can access a printer-friendly version of your full credit reports from your credit report pages. Open the Credit Report you’d like to print You can toggle back and forth between Credit Facto...
In March 2018, Credit Karma acquired Penny, a personal finance app. Since Penny joined our team, we’ve been able to add a conversational experience around your financial goals. Penny helps you navi...